7.2 Committee in Charge of a Competition
7.2a Terms of the Competition
The Committee in charge of a competition may set entry/ eligibility requirements within the Terms of the Competition relevant to a player's Handicap Index or calculated Playing Handicap. For example, the Committee can:
- Set a maximum Handicap Index for entry or use in the competition.
- Set a maximum Playing Handicap.
Reserve the right to adjust the Playing Handicap of an entrant where there is evidence that the player’s Handicap Index does not reflect their demonstrated ability.
A Committee in charge of an elite level competition may also consider setting more detailed entry/eligibility criteria, for example:
The requirement for the player to submit a copy of the most recent 20 scores in their scoring record, allowing the Committee to determine whether the player’s Handicap Index reflects their demonstrated ability. This could involve assessing the player’s performance in:
general play rounds;
competition rounds;
9-hole rounds;
general play rounds compared to competition rounds;
9-hole rounds compared to 18-hole rounds; and
the number of acceptable scores posted on a regular basis.
The right to consider performance in unauthorized formats of play and/or
Use of a player ranking, or some other indicator of ability based on performances in other competitions of equal stature.
For the purpose of updating a player's Handicap Index after a competition where the Committee has set maximum limits, the player's full, unrestricted Course Handicap should be used for the calculation of their adjusted gross score.
For ease of competition administration purposes, the Committee in charge of a multi-round competition played during the same or consecutive days must determine within the Terms of the Competition whether a player’s Handicap Index will remain unchanged for the duration of the competition. It is strongly recommended that the Handicap Index remains unchanged between such rounds.
7.2b Other Actions
The Committee in charge of a competition may reserve the right to determine that when course conditions are exceptionally poor, the submission of scores for handicap purposes should be suspended. The Committee should obtain approval from the appropriate Authorized Association when implementing such a suspension.